Saturday, January 4, 2020

Intro to the Book of Mormon : Videos available.

Hello!  A new year of Come Follow Me.  Here are about 3 hours worth of videos for the first week's lesson on the Title Page and Introduction to the Book of Mormon.  Enjoy (or whatever we call it now) Book of Mormon videos : These NEW videos were made to assist in your study of the Book of Mormon: they begin in 1 Nephi 1 and will continue thru the whole book.

Book of Mormon Central

The Title Page.  A video narrated by President Nelson

The Story of the Book of Mormon: The Plates of Mormon  Title page:
hat is the Book of Mormon? (the Introduction Narrated)

Joseph Smith’s personal history and testimony of the Book of Mormon :

Come Follow Me Lesson Videos
We have begun a new video series with BYU instructors Taylor Halverson and Tyler Griffin. In these two videos, they review the Title Page, Introduction, and the testimonies of the Three and Eight Witnesses.
Intro to the Testimonies of the Witnesses :

Evidences of the Book of Mormon
Evidence for the existence of the Gold Plates :
                      See also this blog post :    which gives all the footnote sources for the claims in the video so you can check them out yourself.

Evidence for the translation process of the Book of Mormon :
              See also this blog post :   which gives all the footnote sources for the claims in the video so you can check them out yourself.
Book of Mormon Translation Timeline: a 1 ½ hour video of a John Welch presentation at Neal A Maxwell Institute   :

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