Monday, March 18, 2019

Update: consultation with Orthopedic Physician

So, given the kind of fracture I had, I did not have a hip replacement. Instead, I had a 'reduction.' The doctor felt that this was the best option for my "young" age and "active" lifestyle (his words, not mine!)

Apparently, it takes a while for this repair to stop swelling and aching and start healing. The bone needs to grow well in and around those screws. My doctor described the damage from the fall as "the worst trauma you will ever have." That is worse than I had realized.

Doctor's recommendations:  
Another week of mostly laying down.
Two weeks of some sitting and beginning PT.
Two more weeks of beginning actual walking independently and more PT.

End Result?
That takes us to the last week in April which was when our institute classes are scheduled to end.
Which means no more classes this semester.

What I will try to do is see if I can focus my brain ( pain tends to short-circuit my thought processes) and make weekly 15-20 minute audio lessons on the Come Follow Me materials.  

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