Thursday, January 24, 2019

Matthew 1-2 and Luke 1-2

Sorry this post is so late.  Other stuff going on.

A reminder that I have two 1 1/2 hour long Institute classes on Matthew and on Luke posted for your viewing pleasure on our Salem Stake website.  Even though the site says "Old Testament," in December I showed how you can find most of the traditions of Christmas in the Old Testament, the scriptures for the early Christians.  Matthew is week 9 and Luke is week 10. 

Here is the link

Secondly, I am trying to post an activity each week for kids: so here are a couple of Christmas activities that my mother, LaFawn Graff Holt,  drew for "The Children's Friend" when I was 4 years old.
Later, the Primary made the Baby Jesus Story into a big poster they used in the classroom.

Click on the picture to get a printable JPG.  I like to print the 'windows' on colored paper, cut out the holes for the windows, and then laminate it so the mask doesn't tear.  Be sure and flip the mask over and find 4 MORE sets of pictures and scriptures.

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