Friday, March 1, 2013

New English LDS Scriptures

The Church has announced a new 2013 edition of the LDS Scriptures in English.  
The print versions - for now only available in black or brown leather covers - will be available this summer, but the you can view or download the new digital versions here.

[The iPod digital version is currently NOT downloading : maybe try in a few days]

Spellings have been standardized and updated.  Mistakes corrected. New information is presented in the historical headings of the Doctrine and Covenants sections.  

The greatest number of changes are in the Study Helps.  Two of my favorite sections, the CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES  and the HARMONY OF THE GOSPELS are now separate, stand-alone sections.  There are some wonderful new photos with much more elaborate explanations.

Go and enjoy yourself!!!

1 comment:

  1. I have been doing research on ULC and seen that this app has been available. I am glad that someone else had problems downloading the app at first. Thanks so much for your post.
