Thursday, February 28, 2013

Talmud Scholar to Speak in Salt Lake

One of the preeminent authorities in the world on the Talmud, the Jewish “oral Torah,” will be speaking at the University of Utah next week.

For details, see .

 At the small dinner that some of us attended for Royal Skousen before his Tuesday night lecture, Professor Grant Hardy, of the University of North Carolina at Asheville, passed on an amusing old Jewish observation that he had gleaned by way of Moshe Halbertal.  It ran along these lines:

 Hell, it turns out, is not a place of flames and torturing devils.  Heaven is not a place of fluffy clouds and endless pleasure.  At the judgment, God will assemble the souls of all the dead into one vast hall.  There, he will pass out copies of the Talmud, which every soul will be invited to study.  For the wicked, such study will be hell.  For the righteous, it will be heavenly bliss.

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