Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Ten Famines

According to the rabbis, there are 10 famines named in the Hebrew Bible:

1.    Genesis 3:17 - Adam
2.    Genesis 5:29 - Lamech
3.    Genesis 12:10 - Abraham
4.    Genesis 26:1 - Isaac
5.    Genesis 41:54-57 -Jacob
6.    Ruth 1:1 - Naomi goes to Moab in the days of the Judges
7.    2 Samuel 21:1 - David (see also 2 Samuel 24:13)
8.    1 Kings 18:2- Elijah
9.    2 Kings 4:25, 6:25 - Elisha
10.   Amos 8:11 - a spiritual famine which will occur in the Messianic Age

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