Tuesday, February 26, 2019

John Welch on The Sermon on the Mount

John Welch has written about the Sermon on the Mount for over 25 years.  Here are some of his books and papers, all available FREE online.

The Sermon at the Temple and the Sermon on the Mount

A Latter-Day Saint Approach JOHN W. WELCH 2010

The Temple, The Mountain, and the Sermon on the Mount  John W. Welch \London Speaking script, London Temple Studies Group, June 16, 2012

"The Temple, the Mountain, and the Sermon on the Mount"  paper presented at Temple Studies conf  2012.

"The Temple, the Sermon on the Mount, and the Gospel of Matthew," by John Welch in a pdf transcript of the conference, "Mormonism and the Temple: Examining an Ancient Religious Tradition"  held October 29, 2012 Utah State University, Logan, Utah. Pgs 61-107.

Of particular interest to our class, looking at the Old Testament background to the sermon, is a chapter in his 1999 FARMS book, Illuminating the Sermon at the Temple and the Sermon on the Mount:  The Common Israelite Background.  You can find the book free online here (click on "Read Online"), and this one chapter here.  That chapter gives 12 pages listing Old Testament statements referred to by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount.

Kids' Activities: Nicodemus

Members of the Savior’s Church
A poster flannel-board story And they who were baptized in the name of Jesus were called the church of Christ (3 Ne. 26:21).

Instructions: Read, or tell in your own words, the story below. When a number appears in the story, put up the flannel-board figure with the same number (or move it to a new place—see diagrams—or point to it, if it is already in place). Save the flannel-board figures to use with next month’s Poster Article.

Heavenly Father loves us and wants us to return to live with Him (1). As part of the plan of salvation, Jesus Christ (2) came to earth to overcome death and to atone for our sins if we repent and obey the commandments. He also organized His church (3) so that with the proper priesthood authority, members would have the ordinances they need to return to live with Heavenly Father.

The first ordinance needed is baptism. The Savior (2) explained this to a man named Nicodemus (4) one night. He told this ruler of the Jews, “Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God [The Church of Jesus Christ]” (3) (John 3:5).

Before a person is baptized, he or she must have faith (5) in Jesus Christ. He said, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

The person must also repent (6) of his or her sins. Then, when he or she is baptized (7), his or her sins are washed away. John the Baptist (8), who held the Aaronic Priesthood, explained to those he baptized, “I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance” (Matt. 3:11).

When Jesus Christ (2) came to him to be baptized, John did not understand, because he knew that the Savior was sinless. Jesus told him to do it “for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness” (Matt. 3:15). That is, by having John baptize Him, they were showing people how important the ordinance of baptism is.

When the Savior was baptized, Heavenly Father testified to the importance of baptism, too: “The heavens were opened, … and lo a voice from heaven [said], This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matt. 3:16–17).

But that is not all. After a person is baptized, he or she is confirmed a member of the Church and given the gift of the Holy Ghost (9). That is what Jesus (2) meant when He told Nicodemus (4) that a man must be born not only of water but of the Spirit.

The gift of the Holy Ghost is important in the plan of salvation because the Holy Ghost can help us have greater faith in Jesus Christ and guide us in making right choices so that we obey the commandments and repent when we need to. When we do those things—and obtain the further blessings of temple ordinances (10)—thanks to the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can live with Heavenly Father again (1).

 Flannel board figures
Illustrated by Beth M. Whittaker

1 Celestial Kingdom
2 Jesus Christ
3 “Foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone”(Eph. 2:20)
4 Nicodemus
5 Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
6 Repentance
7 Baptism
8 John the Baptist
9 Gift of the Holy Ghost
10 Temple Ordinances

Jewish Messiah

In class last week, I read some Jewish texts about the Messiah.
All of these came from the book, The Messiah Texts: Jewish Legends of Three Thousand Years; by Raphael Patai. 1979. Wayne State University Press.

Here are the pages I read from (if you click on the page, a larger, printable copy will open).

Pg 328-329

Pg 321-2

Pg 323-4

Monday, February 18, 2019

Study Guides

In class I have mentioned these weekly study guides from "Don't Miss This" from emilybellefreeman.com .

If you want to use them, you can sign up to receive them in your own email HERE.  On the same page is the archive of the 8 past weeks.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Symposium at BYU: March 8-9 : Material Culture and Women's Religious Experience in Antiquity

The ancient literary record doesn't include much information about the lives of women. But other physical artifacts—monuments, mosaics, and more—offer fascinating insights into women’s religious experiences, perspectives, and activities in the ancient Mediterranean and Near East. Mark your calendar for March 8 and 9.  It starts early (8 AM) on Friday, goes only until noon on Saturday.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Kids Activity Pages: Temptation, 12 Apostles, Elijah

Here are a few kid's activities to go with this week's CFM lessons.

Twelve Apostles name scramble

Elijah and the widow of Zareptha and her son

Life of Jesus: baptism and temptations

Life of Jesus: calling the 12, healing 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

12 Apostles Called

Jesus calls the 12, Fishers of men : Window at Chartres.

John Welch and John Hall wrote a great book called "Charting the New Testament."  They have posted it on the BYU Studies website so you can read and/or download all the charts free!

Here is their chart of the different lists of the 12 New Testament apostles called. 
You can download a pdf at BYU Studies.

Upcoming Conferences and Speakers

BYU Wheatley Institution Events 

February 19, 2019, Ryan T. Anderson will give the 2019 Wheatley Roundtable on the Family keynote address.   
7:30 PM- 9:00 PM   Hinckley Center Assembly Hall
February 19, 2019, Jim Parke will present as the Wheatley Ethics Distinguished Speaker
9:00 AM | Catherine Pakaluk – Marriage
10:00 AM | R.J. Snell – Sexuality
11:00 AM | Jenet Erikson – Children
March 1-2, 2019, Faith in a Secular Age, with speakers James E. Faulconer, Deidre Nicole Green, Miranda Wilcox, Rosalynde Welch, Brad S. Gregory, Nathan B. Oman, Sarah-Vaughan Brakman, Samuel M. Brown, and Philip L. Barlow
Conference Schedule:  Friday, March 1, Harold B. Lee Library Auditorium
8:30 am Welcome and Introduction
9:00 am “Excess and Understanding,” James E. Faulconer, Wheatley Institution
10:00 am “Embodied Epistemology,” Deidre Nicole Green, Maxwell Institute
2:00 pm “Temporal Rupture,” Miranda Wilcox, Brigham Young University
3:00 pm “Secular Hedonism,” Rosalynde Welch, Independent Scholar
7:00 pm Keynote Address, Harold B. Lee Library Auditorium
“Consumed: Affluence and Secularization in American Catholicism”
Brad S. Gregory, Director of the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Studies
Saturday, March 2, 1170 TMCB
10:00 am “Philosophy of Identity,” Nathan B. Oman, William & Mary Law School
11:00 am  “The Nature of Community,” Sarah-Vaughan Brakman, Villanova University
2:00 pm “Abundant Language,” Samuel M. Brown, University of Utah
3:00 pm “Human Perfection,” Philip L. Barlow, Maxwell Institute

Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship Events
BYU Religious Studies Center Easter Conference
April 12, 2019, in the Joseph Smith building. Information will be posted soon at the RSC website.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Class Cancelled today : Wednesday, February 6 : Due to deep snow

Sorry to have to cancel class today, but I could only get as far north as Provo.
I-15 was just a parking lot.
I hear there are 18 inches of new snow in Sandy and 12 inches in the Avenues.
I have heard we have 5 FEET of new snow in the mountains since Sunday!  So glad to hear that for our water year.

So, cuddle up with a hot chocolate and a good book and stay warm!

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Gospel Doctrine Class Notes Online : Terrence C Smith

Terrence C Smith is a Canadian Latter-day Saint who posts his really well-written Gospel Doctrine class notes on his blog each week.  

You can go to the website to read or download his stuff

You can also email him and ask to get the weekly lessons directly in your email box.   Email terrencecsmith@mac.com and ask to be added to his list.

Thomas Wayment's New Testament Translation for Latter-Day Saints

Thomas Wayment, author of The New Testament—A Translation for Latter-day Saints: A Study Bible (published by the Religious Studies Center/Deseret Book) talked about WHY and HOW he did the translation Wednesday at Benchmark Books,

It was fascinating and informative.

Video of the event is available here from Benchmark Books.

His book is available wherever LDS books are sold, except it keeps selling out.  Maybe it's best to pre-order a copy.  If you NEED to have a hardback version, that will be coming out in March.