Wednesday, September 30, 2015


WOW! Derr, McBaine and Givens all together! I will be there! 


Thursday, November 12th
12:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Eccles Conference Center

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Abraham and Cutting Covenant Handout

Go to this LINK on my google drive to get a high-quality version of the handout on Abraham and cutting covenant in the Old Testament.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Temple Studies Lecture October 7th : Temple and Tabernacle

We are pleased to announce our next Temple Studies event. Dr. Joshua Berman, Senior Lecturer in the Bible Department at Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, will present a lecture on Wednesday, October 7, at 7:00 pm in the Varsity Theater at BYU, Provo, Utah. His presentation is “The Differences between the Tabernacle and the Temple: Architecture and Ideology.”

It is open to the general public, and admission is free. No registration is necessary. The Varsity Theater is in the northeast section of the Wilkinson Center. We suggest parking in the lots east of the Wilkinson Center, which are open to the public in the evening. Take 900 East to get to these lots: Campus Drive no longer connects to the Wilkinson Center. You may also park in the Museum of Art parking lot, which is accessible from Campus Drive.

Dr. Berman is the author of The Temple: Its Symbolism and Meaning Then and Now (Jason Aronson Publishers, 1995, 2010). His book is widely known for its rigorous scholarship and spiritual enrichment, animating the meaning of the ancient Temple of Jerusalem, its rites, and the biblical passages that describe it. Watch for an article from this book that will soon be posted on Interpreter at

Dr. Berman received a B.A. in Religion from Princeton University and a Ph.D. in Bible from Bar-Ilan University. An orthodox rabbi, he and his wife have four children and reside in Bet Shemesh, Israel. Berman’s brief visit to Utah is co-sponsored by BYU Studies, the Academy for Temple Studies, the David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies, the Interpreter Foundation, and the J. Reuben Clark Law School.

The presentation on Wednesday will be recorded and made available a few weeks afterward via the BYU Studies Youtube channel. While you’re waiting for this presentation, we invite you to view videos of past Temple Studies conferences at

Questions? Please contact Jennifer Hurlbut at

Scriptural and academic sources for Sarai as Iscah, Haran's daughter

Genesis 11:29  And Abram and Nahor took them wives: the name of Abram's wife was Sarai; and the name of Nahor's wife, Milcah, the daughter of Haran, the father of Milcah, and the father of Iscah.

According to Jewish tradition, Iscah (Yiskah) and Sarah were one and the same person (Talmud, Megillah 14a).

Thanks also to Diana Webb who sent me these references stating / suggesting that Iscah of Genesis 11: 29 is Sarai, who married Abram (Abraham).

[1] Kent P. Jackson, The Restored Gospel and the Book of Genesis, (Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book, 2001),151 fn 3.  Jackson notes that in the first printing of the book of Abraham text in 1842, Sarai and Milcah were identified as “the daughters of Haran,”making Sarai Abram’s niece.  See Times and Seasons, 1 March 1842, 705.

Tuchman and Rapoport in The Passions of the Matriarchs also render this verse as “daughter[s].” See Shera Aranoff Tuchman and Sandra E. Rapoport, The Passions of the Matriarchs, (Jersey City, New Jersey: KTAV Publishing House, 2004), 3-4.
מִלְכָּה  Milcah    h4435  queen
יִסְכָּה  Iscah    h3252   one who looks forth

שָׂרַי   Sarai   h8297  princess

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

VIDEO of Old Testament Class now available online!

The long awaited day has arrived!

No matter where you live in the world, you can now attend  my Old Testament classes!

I'd like to thank Sister Angela Rogers who did an awesome job video recording the first session of our new "Finding Christ in the Old Testament" class in the Salem, Utah Stake. The video has been posted on the Salem stake website and is available for viewing to anyone with this link.

(If that link does not work for you, cut and paste this link in your browser:   )

The topic of the first class was Margot Butler's Old Testament timeline.  There is a link to the handout below the video itself.   High quality printable versions of the handout were posted on this blog on Tuesday, Sept 22. You can also go there to print them out.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Old Testament Timeline and Torah / OT book list

I have posted some new links to higher resolution images of some handouts from the very first day of class.   Use the LINKS rather than just clicking on the pictures.  The pictures are just low quality jpegs.

HERE is a good, printable copy of page one Margot Butler's Old Testament Timeline.  

HERE is page two.

And, finally,  HERE is a copy of the lists of books  in the Jewish Hebrew Bible, the Septuagint (Jewish Greek Bible), the Catholic Vulgate Bible, and the Protestant King James Bible versions.