Monday, July 27, 2015

BYU Corinthians Conference this coming Friday, July 31

Having visited Corinth last year, I am looking forward to this upcoming conference

"We want to remind you of the conference on Friday, July 31, from 9 to 4, at BYU’s Hinckley Center: “Love Never Fails: The Latter-day Saint Affinity towards 1 Corinthians.”

"Everyone who attends the conference may register for a free copy of our next e-book, Paul’s First Epistle to the Corinthians, by Richard D. Draper and Michael D. Rhodes. The e-book will be available a few days after the conference. Videos of the conference will be available in a couple of months.

"The schedule for the day is:
9:00             John W. Welch, “Visiting the Ruins of Corinth Today”
9:35            Kevin L. Barney, “The Joseph Smith Translation of 1 Corinthians: Towards an Eclectic Approach” 
10:40          Craig L. Blomberg, “A Celestial Commentary on 1 Corinthians”                          
11:30          Avram R. Shannon, “The Term ‘Apostle’: Issues in Using Jewish Sources in New Testament Studies”
1:00            Julie M. Smith, “Portraits of Jesus: Christology in the Gospel of Mark and 1 Corinthians”
1:45            Brock Mason for David L. Paulsen, “Theological Underpinnings of Baptism for the Dead”
2:40            T. Benjamin Spackman, “Christian Accommodation at Corinth”
3:00          Michael D. Rhodes, “Behind the Scenes of this New Commentary”
3:30            Richard D. Draper, “Latter-day Saint Affinities towards 1 Corinthians”
4:00            Conclude"

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Basement Mikveh - from the time of Jesus

Israeli couple finds 2000 year old mikveh under floor during renovation of their house! Read more HERE.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Thank you, Pres. Packer

I should have written this post while he was still alive, but I would like to thank President Packer for the "new" LDS edition of the scriptures.  They were published just as I was called to be an early morning Seminary teacher in Livonia, Michigan and together those two events changed my life forever.

Most Mormons have no idea how incredibly useful the footnotes, indexes, bible dictionary and topical guide are compared with what OTHER editions of the bible have to offer.  Even when I was studying at College of Jewish Studies in Cleveland, students wondered how on earth I could find obscure stories, words and references so quickly.  Then I would show them my bible and they were amazed.

Thanks, Pres Packer - and all the rest of the committee!