Thursday, June 25, 2015

Blog to recomment : Forn Spǫll Fira

John Gee has been writing some great stuff this week (June 23, 24, 25, 2015) over on his blog, Forn Spǫll Fira.

Stuff like evidence for sophisticated Hebrew literacy in the 11th and 10th C. BC and on the recent silliness over Book of Mormon Archeology.

Go on over and enjoy yourself!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Books to Recommend

I saw two books worth reading at Seagull Book this week: both were on sale 50% off.

Sacred Walls, by Gerald Hansen; photos by Val Brinkerhoff, is a lovely visual entry into the symbolism of latter-day temples.  Only S14.00

Women of the New Testament by Camille Fronk Olson.  The text is worth reading, so don't just spend all your time enjoying the great artwork!  Only $20.00 !

Temple on Mount Zion Conference Videos

Videos of presentations from this conference are available HERE