Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Making the Scriptures Harder. Thank You, James Faulconer!

Oh, my.  I can see a trip to the bookstore will be one of the first things on my list when I get home in November.  And I really don't buy many LDS books.  These, however, look awesome.

James E. Faulconer is a professor of philosophy, a long-time devoted student of the scriptures, and author of the new “Made Harder” series from the Neal A. Maxwell Institute. —BHodges

Faulconer is also the author of the GREAT little book, Scripture Study: Tools and Suggestions , which I used for years as the textbook for the Institute class I taught on Scripture Study.  Now, it is available FREE online HERE

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Repentance : I do not think that word means what you think it means

Andy Procter has written a great piece on repentance - supplimented by scenes from my favorite movie, "Princess Bride."  You can read it here.