Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Margaret Barker and "The Mother of the Lord" in Logan

If you missed the last conference in Logan with Margaret Barker, here is your chance to go and hear her and meet her in person!  And what a cool topic!  I would LOVE to go (or better yet, to speak!). 

The Academy for Temple Studies and the Utah State University Religious Studies program announce a conference we believe may be of interest to you, to be held on October 23, 2013, on the campus of Utah State University.  We invite you to save the date.

This conference will approach this topic from a temple perspective with biblical, archeological, liturgical and LDS components.

The speakers will include:

Margaret Barker, well-known for her numerous books and articles on temple theology whose book called The Mother of the Lord:  The Lady in the Temple was published last year.

•Laurence Hemming, a Catholic philosopher and theologian who lives in London; an expert in early Catholic liturgy and author of numerous books and articles, including Worship as a Revelation: The Past, Present, and Future of Catholic Liturgy.

•William Dever, distinguished professor of Near Eastern Studies; has written 26 books and 350+ articles on Near Eastern archeology, and author of the book, Did God Have a Wife?

•Alyson Von Feldt, who has explored temple theology as reconstructed by Barker from an LDS perspective in her review of Dever's Did God Have a Wife? and an analysis of the Book of Mormon, "His Secret is with the Righteous: Instructional Wisdom in the Book of Mormon."  These can be found at:

• Valerie Hudson, Professor and George H. W. Bush Chair of international affairs at Texas A&M University, who is co-author of Women in Eternity, Women of Zion, a comprehensive examination of LDS doctrine concerning women.  In 2009 she was named by Foreign Policy to be one of the top 100 Most Influential Global Thinkers.

Registration for the day-long conference will be $50.00. Students with a valid student ID
will be admitted for $10.00.

Seating will be limited. You can register on-line at this link.

More detailed information on the conference will soon be made available.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Great Research Databases at "Academy For Temple Studies"

The website "Academy For Temple Studies" has some excellent resources for students interested in the temple (that's all of us, right?). 

It has reviews of books, articles and dissertations.  There is a lot you can learn from just these reviews. For example, here is part of a paragraph reviewing the chapter entitled . “The Temple: Place of Yahweh’s Presence and Sphere of Life” in  Othmar Keel's book, Symbolism of the Biblical World: Ancient Near Eastern Iconography and the Book of Psalms, [translated by Timothy J. Hallett, 111-76.  Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1997].

  “ One important example is Keel’s suggestion that the idea of the “house” of God, grows out of the standard residential buildings in the Near East.  They were rectangular structures with a central courtyard which contained an oven and a cistern.  Keel argues that ancient temples followed this pattern for God’s house, an inner courtyard with a sacrificial altar analogous to the oven and some form of water catchment such as a cistern, pool, or even a lake.”

Wow.  So simple, and yet I had never thought of the temple that way: a depiction of God’s house in the everyday sense.

Amazing what you can learn.  Hurry right over to the “Academy for Temple Studies” which also is compiling a monstrous huge database of EVERYTHING related to temples (ours, Biblical, pagan: all temples) ever published.  So many books.  So little time!

Friday, July 5, 2013

New Hebrew Class starting in Sandy in September.

Want to learn to read Hebrew?  

My good friend, Diana, is starting a brand new beginning Hebrew class in September.  The class will start on September 5th.

This will be the third group of students - many from my classes - to take advantage of the generosity of this great teacher.

The class will be held at Diana's home in Sandy (1630 Siesta Drive, 84093) on Thursdays at 2 pm

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Mysteries of Solomon's Temple

There is an interesting new post on 

 Mormon Scripture Explorations

Mysteries of Solomon’s Temple

by William Hamblin
"This is a recording of a presentation I [William Hamblin] gave recently concerning Solomon's temple.  I first examine the problem of the limited nature of biblical accounts of the temple, and the question of esoteric teachings and mysteries.  I then analysze of five of the esoteric teachings or mysteries associated with Solomon's Temple.  1- celestial temple and throne; 2- Before the Beginning; 3- Council of God in the celestial temple; 4- Human participation in Council of God; 5- Entering the Holy of Holies."
You can watch the presentation HERE
Here is a great pdf handout of the Keynote slides