Friday, September 30, 2011

The Intertestamental Period

In class as we drew Margot Butler's Timeline into the Chronology section of the Bible Dictionary, I mentioned a book covering the time between the Old and the New Testaments : the Intertestamental period. These are both versions of that book. The newer one, "The Lost 500 Years", has more pictures, but the text of the two books is very much the same. Both are written by S. Kent Brown and Richard N Holzapfel.

Here is the official blurb from

"You’ve studied the Old Testament. You’ve studied the New Testament. But what do you know about the nearly five hundred years of history between those sacred books? Now, in The Lost 500 Years (a special illustrated edition of the book formerly titled Between the Testaments), Kent Brown and Richard Holzapfel illuminate this little-understood but vital era. The book discusses the Dead Sea Scrolls; the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha; key political, religious, and cultural groups mentioned in the New Testament; Jewish feasts and festivals; Jewish law; and the hope for a Messiah. Understanding this watershed period of history will set the stage for you to fully appreciate the events and teachings of the New Testament!"

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

2011 Fall Review

I recommend that all students go back and reread all of the posts on this blog from February 2011 as a review of what I taught this week in class.

All of the handouts are there in pdf form for you to download.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"Sacred Geometry" : Lectures and Workshop in Springville

From their website:

"If you ever took a class on geometry, you might wonder what was so sacred about it. It’s just a lot of angles and equations–or is it? Without even know it, everyone speaks the language of geometry. Geometry, ‘geo’ meaning world, and ‘metre’, meaning measure, can be construed as the measure of the earth. But it is much more.

Sacred Geometry entices the mathematician, the artist, the architect, the musician, the physician and the common man. It encompasses numbers, shapes, sounds, colors, and everything growing. It gives the explanation for purpose, function and the endless potential of man on the earth. And that’s only the beginning.

All over the world sacred space is filled with all things geometrical. The human body is a lifelong study of proportional relationships to PHI. And books continue to be churned out to explain what has seemed like the unexplainable. But not any longer.

The answers are available today. For the first time in this millennium, answers to questions centuries old are here for those who are truly seeking. Connections to lighthouses, whether they be temples or the human body will be explored and explained. Distinct spiritual connections with science and the universe will be unfolded. Join us for this illuminating event and come understand secrets known by Da Vinci, Euclid, Abraham, and Joseph.

October, 14, 3-5 Free hands on workshop using compass and right angle. Pre-registration is required. Contact to save a seat. Free panel discussion from 6 – 9 P.M.

October, 15 8 – 5 P.M. Lectures featuring Wulf Barsch, Dr. C. Lance Harding, Garth Norman, Val Brinkerhoff and Yvonne Bent.

Seating is limited. Don’t wait to reserve yourself a place at this once in a lifetime event.

Tickets are $45.00 at

Questions? call 510 685-8288."

Monday, September 12, 2011

New Fall Classes

I will be teaching classes at 5 locations this fall. Perhaps one of the new ones will fit your schedule better.

1. Springville : Tuesday evenings, 6:30-8:00 PM, beginning September 20th.
Finding Christ in the Old Testament.
1965 East Canyon Road, Springville UT 84663.
Register at the door.

2. Sandy : Thursday morning, 9:00-10:30 AM, beginning September 22nd.
Finding Christ in the Old Testament.
Sandy Utah Granite South Stake Center
2126 Gyrfalcon Drive (10000 South), Sandy, Utah 84092
Register at the door

3. South Jordan : Thursday mid-morning, 11:00-12:30 AM, beginning September 22nd.
Finding Christ in the Old Testament.
2450 W 10400 S. (South Jordan Parkway) South Jordan, Utah 84095.
Register thru BYU Cont. Ed

NEW 4. Sugarhouse : Wednesday Evening, 7:00 pm to 8:30 PM, starting September 21st.
Finding Christ in the Old Testament.
Salt Lake Sugar House Stake Center
1681 South 11th East (17th South at 11th East), Salt Lake City.
Register at the door.

The topic appears to be the same, but the Springville and South Jordan classes are already a full semester into the Old Testament. I will be starting at the beginning of Genesis in the Sandy and Sugarhouse classes but teaching a more condensed version. All 4 adult classes should be on the same subject during the same week by Thanksgiving (at least, that is the plan). So, if you missed some of the early classes last year, you are welcome to come to one of the new locations. Or, come for a review. If you are registered for ANY one class, you can come to any you want.

NEW 5. Orem Institute at UVU : for Young Single Adults only :Thursday Evening, 7:00 PM.
Finding Christ in the Old Testament.
Register online.

Email me or comment on this post if you have any questions.